The European Union is speaking about innovation and the importance design has to achieve the future goals of it. As a part of an European initiative, some Valencian designers and companies–amongst who is LZF Lamps–that believe design is the major driving force to create, have had a chat with Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science. 

On 26th June the event kickstarts with a breakfast hosted by Mrs. Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero, Spanish Eurodeputy, and some honor guests like Mr. Moedas himself and Mr. Ximo Puig, President of the Valencia Region. Here representatives from Europe and the Valencian companies will have a chat where they will highlighte the importance of design in the industrial renovation of small and medium-sized enterprises around Europe.  
And, also, the conversation will revolve around the beneficial factors design implies to costumers and buyers when choosing to buy an original creation.

Innovation through desing: a European challenge

In fact, during the meeting, each company will have an intervention to speak about the contribution design does to companies and societies as a unique innovative factor to achieve success. All the participating brands have a few things in common: they are all quality driven and always in search for the improvement of their products throught research, investigation in addition to design.
In the picture above you can see Sandro and BB, LZF’s co-founders, and Mr. Xavier Giner, product design teacher at EASD, a well-known design school based in Valencia. Moreover, initiatives like this help to bring into focus design and its multiple uses and values for people and societies, not only as a reflection of the taste for aesthetics some people have but as an inherent component of our lives.
We’d like to thank Mr. Moedas and the European Union for hosting this event and letting us explain our point of view on design and its importance.